Wednesday, September 9, 2015

About  Forrest Gump (1994)





In 1981, Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), a man with below-average intelligence, watches a feather fall from the sky at a bus stop in Savannah, Georgia. As he sits down on a bench, he removes a copy of The Adventures of Curious George from his suitcase and places the feather inside the pages. He introduces himself and begins telling his life story to strangers who sit next to him on the bench, recounting his childhood in Greenbow, Alabama. As a child in the 1950s, Forrest (Michael Connor Humphreys) had to wear leg braces for which other children make fun of him. He lives with his single mother (Sally Field) in a very large house outside of town, which they rent rooms to travelers. His father apparently left and he never knew him. Despite his limited mental capacity, Mrs. Gump tells her son that "stupid is as stupid does" (which he later uses as a retort when called "stupid") and also assures him that he is no different from any of the other children. Forrest is admitted to public school despite his IQ being below the cut-off, but only after his mother agrees to a one night stand with the principal, Mr. Hancock (Sam Anderson). On his first bus ride to school, Forrest is rejected by nearly all of his peers except for Jenny Curran (Hanna R. Hall). He and Jenny become best friends, and he helps her hide from her abusive, alcoholic father. One day, while fleeing from bullies, Forrest's leg braces break apart and he discovers that he can run very fast. A few years later, Forrest inadvertently runs onto the field during a local high school football match and catches the attention of Coach Bryant from the University of Alabama who is scouting for players. Forrest attends the university on an athletic scholarship and becomes a college football star, earning him a spot on the College Football All-America Team and a trip to the White House to meet President John F. Kennedy.
After graduating, Forrest enlists in the United States Army, where he befriends former shrimp fisherman Benjamin Buford "Bubba" Blue (Mykelti Williamson), and they agree to go into the shrimping business together once they end their service. Jenny (Robin Wright) meanwhile had gotten herself thrown out of college after she exposes herself on the cover of Playboy Magazine and "fulfills" her aspirations of becoming a famous folk singer by performing nude at a strip club. Forrest goes to one of her shows after seeing the cover and intervenes when she is harassed by club patrons. He tells her that his unit is being sent to Vietnam so Jenny tells Forrest that if he is ever in trouble: run. Once they arrive in Vietnam, they are assigned to First Lieutenant Dan Taylor (Gary Sinise). One day while on patrol their platoon is ambushed. Forrest carries several wounded soldiers to safety including Lieutenant Dan and his friend Bubba, but Bubba is severely wounded and dies shortly thereafter. Forrest himself is also wounded in the buttocks and Lieutenant Dan, who has had both of his legs amputated due to his injuries, is furious at Forrest for leaving him a cripple and cheating him out of his destiny to die in battle, as all of his ancestors had. After he recovers from his wounds, Forrest travels to Washington DC where he receives the Congressional Medal of Honor from President Lyndon B. Johnson and goes to an anti-war rally where Abbie Hoffman invites him to speak before the crowd. After speaking, Forrest reunites with Jenny, who is now living a hippie counterculture lifestyle with a commune of anti-war activists and has experimented with various substances including LSD.
Forrest discovers an aptitude for ping pong and begins playing for the U.S. Army team, eventually competing against Chinese teams on a goodwill tour. After his return from China, he appears on the The Dick Cavett Show with John Lennon, which after describing his experience in China as best as he can, inspires Lennon to write the song "Imagine". He then encounters Lieutenant Dan, now a wheelchair-bound embittered drunk living on welfare. Dan is scornful of Forrest's plans to enter the shrimping business and mockingly promises to be Forrest's first mate if he ever succeeds. Forrest and Lieutenant Dan spend New Years together. He visits the White House again and meets President Richard Nixon, who provides him a room at the Watergate hotel, where Forrest inadvertently helps expose the Watergate scandal.
Forrest is discharged from the military as a sergeant and uses money from a ping pong endorsement to buy a shrimping boat, fulfilling his wartime promise to Bubba. Lieutenant Dan keeps his own promise and joins Forrest as first mate. They initially have little luck, but after Hurricane Carmen wrecks every other shrimping boat in the region, the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company becomes a huge success. Both of them are wealthy. Forrest returns home to care for his mother when she becomes terminally ill and passes away. He leaves the company in the hands of Dan, who invests the proceeds of the company in shares of the recently founded Apple Computers, which Forrest assumes is "some kind of fruit company", making them both more wealthy. He gives most of his money to various causes (such as taking care of Bubba's family) and continues to live in the house where he grew up.
Jenny returns to visit Forrest and stays with him. He proposes but she turns him down. They have sex, but she quietly leaves the next morning. Distraught at discovering this, Forrest decides to go for a run, which turns into a three-year coast-to-coast marathon. Forrest becomes a celebrity, attracting a band of followers. One day he stops his marathon suddenly and returns home, where he receives a letter from Jenny, who had seen him on the news during his running, asking to meet.
This brings Forrest to the bus stop where he began telling his story at the start of the film. During his reunion with Jenny, she introduces him to her young son, also named Forrest (Haley Joel Osment). She says that the boy is named for his father, which Forrest assumes is someone else named Forrest until she tells him that he himself is the father. Forrest is initially overwhelmed as he believes that his son also has below-average intelligence, but Jenny assures him that he is a very smart child. Jenny finds out that she is suffering from an unknown viral illness, presumably HIV/AIDS. She proposes and he accepts, and they return to Alabama with Forrest Jr. and marry. At the wedding, Lieutenant Dan, who now has titanium alloy prosthetic legs and can walk, attends as well as his fiancée.
Eventually, Jenny dies of her illness. Though he misses her terribly, he becomes a devoted father to Forrest Jr. Speaking to Jenny's tombstone, Forrest tearfully says he does not know if life has a meaning or purpose like Lieutenant Dan said, or if life is entirely random, like his mother said—but he has a feeling that, somehow, "maybe it's both". The film ends with Forrest waiting for his son to come home from school on the bus after his first day of school, and watching the feather float off in the wind.

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